
Showing posts from April, 2018

2018 State of the Hobby Results

The results are in!

I truly hope you read and enjoy the results from this year. Between the survey, the data modeling and cleansing, making the analytics and presentation, I'd say this is about 100 hours worth of work. It was certainly fun, and while you may think I have a pretty demented definition of actually you'd be right about that, no argument here.

If you are interested in participating next year, please subscribe to my blog. New surveys and results will be posted here so by subscribing you will get any and all updates.

Anyway - on to the results!

2018 Survey is now closed!

The 2018 survey is now closed!
I want to extend a HUGE thank you to everyone who participate, and to those who passed this on to other hams as well. This year had a much larger turnout that 2017 and hopefully this trend will continue.
So - the 65 million dollar question is...when will the results be posted?
Short answer is anywhere from 4-8 weeks from now.
My next steps are to pull the data out of the survey and begin to cleanse and normalize. Each question with an open ended response can be anywhere from 10-15 hours of work, depending on the variance of the response. It's important to me that each response is valued, as a result I want to ensure this is done well.
As an example, I provided some options for "How did you find this survey?" and also left it open to people to enter in their own choices. Some example responses I received are: EmailEmailedEmailed from another hamGot an email from my dadGmailSomeone mailed it to me online I have to normalize all these response…