2020 State of the Hobby Survey

Greetings fellow operators!

First and foremost, I hope everyone is staying healthy out there. The COVID-19 global pandemic has, for better or worse, certainly cause a large amount of change in the world today. While I was originally hoping to release this survey mid-March, due to the pandemic response I was forced to change this up. I trust many others have had to make similar adjustments, so I hope folks understand.

That said, the time has come for the survey to be released! I wanted to ensure I could devote the proper amount of time to promoting and administering the survey before I released it. Things have calmed down a bit in my world and I'm ready to do that.

If you have not had a chance to see the results from previous surveys, they are available here:
The survey this year is 100% anonymous (which was common feedback I received) and any demographic questions are optional - this data does help me drive better analysis but is completely optional.

The survey will run from 15-MAY to 12-JUN, so 4 weeks. If there is low attendance due to world events, I may consider extending this.

As always, please subscribe to my blog for email alerts on future survey and result activities.

*** Privacy Notice *** I am not affiliated with a company or organization, I am merely an individual conducting a survey for myself and others to learn more about the state of the hobby. Just a guy in Michigan. Any demographic questions are optional and are fairly standard for surveys. No data will be sold or given to anyone - it's to be used by me personally for the survey results only. No personal information will be associated with specific responses, including call signs.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. It's unclear to me if "hamfest or swap" would include conferences or topic specific organized meetups. (https://www.cardiffars.org.uk/events/2020/roundtable/ or RSGB Convention).

  3. I am new to ham radio and not yet on the air due to the virus. Great work! Good data! Keep up the good work.

  4. Unknown, try WebSDR.Org now & EchoLink when licensed.

  5. AREDN and HamWan are two of the fastest growing elements of ham radio. Maybe next year you can include that in the survey. Thanks for doing the survey. Always interesting.

  6. Thanks for creating this survey! Just a note about a typo the introduction page - "core tenents" should be "core tenets". 73!

  7. And another typo: "What lead to your interest in amateur radio?" should be "What led to your interest in amateur radio?"

  8. Was just directed here. Great project, Dustin! I do academic research myself, so I can relate to the challenges and the discoveries.

    I'm curious if you've collected or are planning to collect more demographic information about US hams--beyond age. Gender and race/ethnicity in particular. Forgive me if this is already in the reports...

  9. Give techs more HF Privileges !!! there that is my 2 cents #FCC 73 KG5CUO

  10. When will the results be published?


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